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4 Powerful Examples Of Inspired Action To Use When Motivation Fails

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Woman with her arms up in the air illustrating the feeling from getting examples of inspired action.

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What if…instead of trying to make something happen, you allowed it to happen from inspired action? You may need some examples of inspired action before you decide if that sounds too airy and too fairy for you. But if motivation isn’t getting you where you want to be, maybe going deeper inside is the answer. Albert Einstein said, “Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” Inspired action starts with just that kind of idea.

Often, your inspired idea doesn’t even feel like a thought. It feels like a gumball that just dropped into your brain. It might even feel like you didn’t think it but dictated the idea out of nowhere. A thought comes to you, and it just feels right. It’s not based on fear, “Have to do,” or “Should do.” It just feels…right. Unraveling The Truth: 8 Big and Common Myths About Motivation

Inspired Action is allowing yourself to act on that idea as you open to allowing it to take shape and show itself in your life. You take that action because it feels like the next right thing. You will find your authentic and genuine self is inspired and wired. You next notice that you know where to go, who to call, and what to do next.

A unicorn dancing in glitter illustrating the phrase airy fairy.

Just Because It’s Light Doesn’t Make It Airy Fairy, Right?

Yeah, we know…airy and fairy. However, you’ve already experienced it. Sometime in life, we have all had an idea that came at the best possible time. You acted on it because you couldn’t imagine doing anything else. That is inspired action. The next thing you knew, you were running into the right people to help, finding the right pieces and the right place to get it to happen.

It’s happened to us all, even if on a tiny scale. So, how do you help inspired action come to you more often? Since inspired action is not about pushing and grinding, how do you know when you are coming from inspired action instead? Here are some examples of inspired action.

Riverbed with clear water to illustrate the concept of clarity without attachment.

Examples Of Inspired Action #1- You Are Very Clear About What You Want To Manifest Or Create But Also Not Attached To The Details.

Clarity is a main ingredient in inspired action. When you are clear on what you want to be, do, and have, you make room for that inspired idea. Once the inspired idea gets planted, you are ready for the next step. That step IS inspired action but can only come if you are clear about what you intend.

Pay attention! Be open to such a thing happening and allow it. How many good ideas have you had that you poo-pood away? Then, later, saw someone else have the same idea and follow through to their clear manifestation of success. Unraveling The Truth: 8 Big and Common Myths About Motivation

So once you are clear, don’t talk yourself out of the inspired action you have felt inspired to do. Then stay out of your way and don’t get too attached to the details. What if you are inspired to take action that will create an outcome even better than what you intended? Don’t worry. You won’t have to think about this much. You will just feel like “this idea” and “this action” is just what needs to happen next.

Hot air balloons floating over mountains illustrating examples of inspired action that makes you feel more alive.

Examples Of Inspired Action #2- You Feel More Alive When You Think About Doing Something In The Name Of Inspiration Instead Of Obligation.

A great example of inspired action is how you feel when it happens. Work doesn’t feel like work. The effort feels effortless. When you are coming from a place of inspired action, you are excited to get started. Then, you are excited to get started again on the next day.

There is a difference in doing something for inspiration instead of obligation. Regardless of the idea, it feels like your own creation, much like an artist feels. Time moves differently when you are working on something in inspired action.

Paper cutout words Yes, I Can illustrating a feeling that comes with getting examples of inspired action.

Examples Of Inspired Action #3- You Feel A Little Afraid, But This Still Just Feels Right.

Motivational Teacher Joe Vitale says, “A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.” That sounds right to us, too. When an inspired action takes shape, the unknown is still a factor. If that creates a little bit of fear…let it. You’re human, and that is what any human feels. We don’t fear change. We fear the unknown, but that is where the magic happens.

We suggest you keep as many reminders of that fact as you can. Leave sticky notes for yourself to remind you that it might feel scary but that could also mean something wonderful is about to happen. Scatter good vibes all over your house. We love these:


You might feel some fear when an inspired idea is sprouting as an inspired action. However, you won’t be able to stand the thought of not going forward with the action you feel inspired to do. It will just feel so right that you can’t imagine not doing it or not being part of it.  Unraveling The Truth: 8 Big and Common Myths About Motivation

Examples Of Inspired Action #4-You’re Following Your Pixi Pebbles.

We talk a lot about Pixi Pebbles. Don’t bother Googling. You won’t find it anywhere but on our site at EnchantedPerspectives.com. It’s our word for what some might call… breadcrumbs.

Pixi Pebbles are little finds along the way that give you ideas, head you in a direction, and offer you a new perspective or viewpoint. They can appear in dozens of ways, but you must watch for them. Pixi Pebbles are little hints for “turn here now” or “Come this way.” They can feel like inspiration for your next step or help you to keep going when you start to get tired.

Pixi Pebbles can show up as a song, a video, an underline in a book, or something someone shares with you over coffee. Pay attention! You never know where more inspired action will show up. Get your antennas ready when you ask yourself, “Ok…now what?” Your answer could be waiting for you anywhere.

5 people jumping in the air illustrating excitement from examples of inspired action.

If Motivation Isn’t Showing Up For You, Be Open To Inspiration.

Your brain, spirit, and authentic self often wait their turn to show you what they can do. It’s all about watching for inspiration that will become inspired action. Then, allow it to do its stuff. Watch for your clues for what to do next and what to do now. When inspired action shows up in your life, things will start happening. Let them! You’ve got this!

Enchanted Perspectives Pixi Pebble Banner image.

Pixi-Pebbles For When You Need Examples of Inspired Action.

We’ve used these little Pixi-Pebbles to move ourselves from a feeling we’re not enjoying very much…to a feeling that helps us discover our vision of intention, awareness, and direction.

They lead us to hope, possibilities, and a fire under our butt to live life by design instead of default.

In our blog, 4 Powerful Examples Of Inspired Action To Use When Motivation Fails, here is a Pixi-Pebble that came to mind…

Just a little inspiration to get you from here to there…

When all else fails, one of our favorite go to things is to grab our earbuds, stretch out in the sunshine (or favorite comfy place) and listen to an inspiring song. While we are listening we take some deep breaths and sink into the song, asking for an inspired next action. 

Just in case you need a song to get you started click here to listen to one of our regular go to’s from the amazing Lauren Alaina… The Road Less Traveled.

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Meet Nikki:

Nikki has a way of making almost anything meaningful, interesting, and fun. She loves cats, believes you can learn a lot about yourself by shooting hoops in the park, and has a mad love affair with trees. As a Certified Neuro-linguistic Programming Practitioner, Intentional Living Mentor, Reiki Master, and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, she understands how to help others create change and has a talent for making you enjoy doing it.

Enchanted perspectives creator Nikki and Jennifer sitting against tree

Meet Jennifer:

Jennifer is a woman who definitely lives life by design. As an Artist, Certified Holistic Life Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Studies Mentor, and Certified EFT Practitioner, she helps others find their unique, magical, and authentic selves. She loves art, music, nature, travel and believes everyone can dance. Jennifer is a compassionate teacher that enjoys inspiring others to find their own creativity, intuition, and passion for life.
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