How To Journal To Find The Best Partner For You

There are a lot of theories about how to find your “person” in life. We would like to share how to journal to find the best partner for you. You might wonder how journaling could have anything to do with matchmaking.
Our Favorite Movies About Energy And How To Love Life

Our favorite movies about energy and how to love life is a mash-up of themes and ideas. They are movies about inspiration, beating the odds, facing your fears, and believing in your dreams and intentions. All are happy components of your energy field.
Bridge From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be In 5 Big, Powerful Steps

We talk a lot about manifesting and the Law Of Attraction. Our clients often ask us how to bridge from where you are to where you want to be. Yes, one of the tenants of manifesting is not to get lost in the “hows”. But, that means avoiding getting tangled up in “how” it will show up. It’s ok to ask how the process works.
5 Cool Ways Of Raising Vibrations For Law Of Attraction

At Enchanted Perspectives, we often discuss raising vibrations for the Law of Attraction. What does that mean, and how do you do it? The scientific fact is that everything is vibration and everything has a vibration. The Law Of Attraction (law of physics) states that, “Like attracts like.” That means we manifest what is vibrating at the same rate as we are.
5 Silly Thoughts That Screw Up Your Law Of Attraction Manifestations
At least 5 silly thoughts can screw up your law of attraction manifestations. Oh yeah… there are more than that, but we’re guessing you don’t have all day. So let’s talk about the top 5. We have no fear that we are making you think about something less than helpful or causing you to think about something you haven’t thought before.
6 Big Questions To Discover How To Find Out What I Really Want In Life
“How to find out what I really want” sounds like a simple question. But often, we have done what everyone else wants for so long we don’t know what we want. Perhaps we have settled for less for so long that we have forgotten what we wanted to start with anyway.
How To Know Your Manifestation Is About To Happen With 5 Easy Check-ins
Many wonder how to know your manifestation is about to happen. It’s a common question for those new to the Law of Attraction. Well…actually…it’s what everyone wants to know when it feels like something is taking too long to manifest. The question comes up immediately when you start to wonder, “OK…so where is it?”
5 Manifestation Techniques For Love That Work
When we talk about the Law of Attraction, we find many souls looking for manifestation techniques for love that work. But, unfortunately, we also see many people looking for love in all the wrong places.
8 Tried, And True Manifestation Techniques That Work
There are usually 3 trains of thought for those looking for manifestation techniques that work. Do any of these feel like you regarding Law of Attraction, Manifestation, and Vibration?