5 Easy Ways To Find A Balanced Perspective In A Teeter Totter World
Our world is moving fast. It’s an incredible (and sometimes scary) time to be alive. However, choosing a Balanced Perspective can make things feel less frightening and easier to navigate. So, what’s a Balanced Perspective? Well, in the teeter totter world of this and that, it’s a more grounded way of looking at things.
5 Easy Ways To Understand How To Be More Emotionally Available In A Relationship
Are you wondering how to be more emotionally available in a relationship? It’s a popular question these days. Ten years ago, no one even knew what “emotionally available” meant. But now, we often refer to a person’s emotional IQ or the fact that they are emotionally available or unavailable.
4 Powerful Examples Of Inspired Action To Use When Motivation Fails
What if, instead of trying to make something happen, you allowed it to happen from inspired action? You may need some examples of inspired action before you decide if that sounds too airy and too fairy for you. But if motivation isn’t getting you where you want to be, maybe going deeper is the answer.
Struggling? How To Motivate Yourself To Change Your Behavior
There are usually only two reasons you wonder how to motivate yourself to change your behavior. One is that something you are doing is causing problems, but you don’t want to change it. You want the problem to go away. However, you don’t really want to start or stop doing what would make that happen.
How To Get Motivated When You Are Afraid To Dream
One of life’s most stuck feelings is when you are afraid to dream. We’ve all been in that incredibly scary place. You don’t like where you are but can’t get motivated to think or dream of something else.
7 Amazing Steps To Get Motivated To Love Again
Plenty is written about how to find love. But how do you get motivated to love again after you connect your heart to someone else and it doesn’t work? Maybe you dated for a few weeks. Perhaps you were married for years. Regardless of the timeline or circumstances, it hurts and feels vulnerable.
7 Useful Changes To Becoming A Self-Motivated Person At Work
Do you want to be a self-motivated person at work but can’t get your rear in gear to make it happen? You aren’t the only one. However, you might be looking for motivation in the wrong places.
8 Mistakes And Motivation Killers to Your Personal Growth
Motivation Killers are a real thing when you are trying to expand your personal growth. Everyone has their own version. However, they all fall into the same categories. Motivation killers are little thoughts that can be sneaky because they sound really smart in the moment.
Unraveling The Truth: 8 Big And Common Myths About Motivation
There are as many myths about motivation as ways to be motivated. Sometimes motivation is needed because it is Auld Lang Syne’s time. Maybe a significant life event makes us know we need to make changes.
If You Want To Live A Happy Life, Stop Thinking These Crazy Thoughts
The one thing all humans have in common is that we all want to live a happy life. We want to feel good in our skin. It’s essential that the ground under our feet feels like a sturdy place to stand. We all want to look forward to the future while enjoying today. Isn’t that what YOU want?