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We talk a lot about manifesting and the Law Of Attraction. Our clients often ask us how to bridge from where you are to where you want to be. Yes, one of the tenets of manifesting is not to get lost in the “hows”. But that means avoiding getting tangled up in “how” it will show up. It’s ok to ask how the process works.
You need to understand the rules to follow the rules, right? So maybe we need to talk about the most significant “HOW” everyone seems to want to know, “How do you bridge from where you are to where you want to be?”
Since we believe that understanding that process will upgrade your manifesting game, let’s do it. While we are at it, let’s break it down into 5 Big, Powerful Steps to make it easier. Maybe “easy” isn’t the right word, as manifesting is as easy as you allow it to be. Consistent is a better word. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work
This gap from where you are to where you want to be can feel like a canyon. With that much space, it may feel like an ethereal bridge to nowhere. Well…you can’t manifest anything good with that mindset. So, let’s get a few things established before we do anything else.
You Can’t Get Where You Want To Be Hating Where You Are.
This is a big realization for most folks. We live in a culture that teaches that hate propels us and fuels us forward. Since the Law Of Attraction and Manifesting is driven by the vibration of your high frequency emotions, hate won’t get you anywhere. Hatred holds a lot of emotion and adrenaline, but the vibration and frequency of hate are very low.
Let’s say you want a different job. We aren’t saying that you must find a way to fall in love with what you can’t stand. We are saying you must find a way to be as neutral about it as possible. This means focusing less on the lousy pay and poor hours and more on the fact that you like your co-workers and have good health insurance.
Just make that one minor adjustment. Focus more on what you like and less on what you don’t. If you focus on the sucky stuff, you will attract either nothing or a new job with equally sucky stuff.
Focus on the few good things you either like or don’t mind, and you will at least create movement. More than likely, you will also attract more of what you like. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work
Only Do This Work When You Are In A Neutral To Good Feeling Space.
If you want to bridge where you are to where you want to be, you must pay attention to how you feel. Don’t do any of this work when feeling sad, hopeless, agitated, anxious, fearful, or aggravated. Why? Because it won’t work. Then you will be agitated and aggravated at anyone who ever uttered the words “Law Of Attraction” to you (like us).
You might think, “Well, if I were incredibly happy, I wouldn’t be in the process of changing anything.” We aren’t saying you have to be happy happy, joy joy. We suggest only thinking about where you are and where you want to be when you are in a neutral to good space of feelings.
Think of it this way. You wouldn’t start a workout after a big meal. You wouldn’t try to get a good night’s sleep after drinking a half pot of coffee. You are most effective at manifesting when you aren’t thinking your life is a pile of poopy doo.
When just sitting, petting the cat, you are probably in a neutral to good space. When driving to work with your favorite tunes playing, you might be in a neutral to good spot. This is the best place to call on your manifesting mojo. If you are experiencing something awesome, your next thought would be, “Yes! Let me really feel this!” “I intend more of this in my life!”
You Are The Bridge.
When we talk about this bridge, know that it is not a literal structure from here to there. It isn’t a thing at all. Law Of Attraction is activated and fueled by the frequency and vibration of your feelings. So YOU are the bridge proverbially and literally. Connecting your high vibration feelings to where you choose to be in the future is that secret they talk about. It’s how you create a bridge from where you are to where you want to be. So let’s get to those 5 Big, Powerful Steps.
Step 1 To A Bridge From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be: Get Clear On Where You Are.
You would think this would be the easiest step, but like most things, the first step is a big one. Get clear on where you are. Get clear on what you like about where you are and what you wish was different (remember, no hating on it).
Get clear on all the components of what you like and what you wish were better. Let’s say you want to manifest a new car. Get clear on your present car like it leaks oil and the air conditioning doesn’t work. But also remember feel good points like it’s your favorite color, and a convertible and convertibles ROCK!
Some people think that making something as awful as they can will change it quicker. It won’t. Focusing on what you don’t like will only get you more of …what you don’t like. So get clear and don’t make it bigger than it is or more drama than it is.
For example, saying, “The people I work with are awful!” Are they really, “awful” or just annoying? Do you keep saying, “I’m broke!”? Are you really broke or do you just not have money for something you want? Keep it real and keep it accurate, but don’t overdo it.
Step 2 To A Bridge From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be: Get Clear On What You Want To FEEL When You Get Where You Want To Be.
It might seem like you only need to know what you want. But how many times in your life have you got what you wanted, only for it not to feel like you thought it would? Law Of Attraction responds to how you feel and replicates how you feel, So get clear on how you want to feel in the having of this thing or experience.
The nice thing about this step is that if you are clear on how you choose to feel, your manifesting will redirect itself if you miscalculated. It attracts the feeling and will make subtle changes to the details as you go to get you to that feeling. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work
An example would be if you only knew that you wanted to marry someone ambitious and successful, someone you could be proud of. But what if they are a workaholic that pays little attention to anything but their work?
A better way to manifest what you really want would be to think about how you want to feel in this marriage. Maybe you want to feel safe and with a solid foundation. Maybe you want to feel great love for them and loved back. Perhaps you want to take pride in how they take care of your family.
More Examples.
Maybe you want a better job that pays you what you are worth and has excellent benefits and a title. If you don’t focus on what you want to feel, you might also get more hours, more responsibility and more stress. Was that what you wanted?
You might want to be well compensated and take pride in a title. But how do you want to FEEL? Maybe you want to feel valued by an employer that believes in respecting your personal time. Wouldn’t it be nice for your work to be appreciated and your opinions to be heard. Again, how do you want to feel?
Step 3 To A Bridge From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be: Always Remember You Are The Bridge.
Law of Attraction is not some magic wand you wave around hoping for the “presto chango” best. It is a rule of science that states that “Like attract likes. Your feelings vibrate at a frequency that pulls other things to you of the same frequency. It is YOU that creates the bridge from where you are to where you want to be.
Because you are the bridge, you have to honor your feelings. Be honest about your feelings if only to yourself. Don’t just think good feelings or just talk good feelings. What do you feel? If it’s something that doesn’t feel good, there is your page in the workbook to heal. Your feelings matter even if they aren’t pretty and your healing matters even if it’s messy. Once those feelings get to even a little bit of a better place, you are ready to work as your bridge. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work
Step 4 To A Bridge From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be: Go Play Where You Want To Be And Feel What You Want To Feel.
Every day more and more information is discovered about how powerful our mind is. Our brain sends out electromagnetic frequencies every second that we are alive. You are a system of vibration and magnetism with every thought.
So use that superconductor as the incredible tool that it is. Here is how you create your bridge. YOU connect with both sides while remembering YOU are the bridge. You’ve gotten clear on where you are. You’ve gotten clear on where you want to be. Now, let’s connect the two with that beautiful mind of yours. It is the frequency and vibration of your mind that creates your bridge.
What does that mean? We are going to send your mind out to where you want to be so it can feel the feeling of it. Then we will pull that feeling into your now so you can experience it and own it. Yes, it will only be in your mind at first, but this is where you create the frequency and vibration of what you are intending.
Here’s How You Do It.
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and picture what it would feel like to have, do and be what you intend. See this thing, this situation, this person you want to be in full detail. Esther Hicks of Abraham Hicks says the more details, the better. That is unless the details get you tangled up or anxious. If that is you, then think generally. Don’t worry about details if there are too many things you don’t know yet. Stick with the general things that you do know. (Click here for a great book from Abraham Hicks.)
Either way, allow yourself to FEEL what it would be like to experience your intention. Try it on. Take it for a spin. What would it feel like to have, do and live this in your life? Would you feel happy, abundant, joyful, safe, confident, relieved, empowered, or …enchanted? Feel that feeling. Own that feeling. The more you play with that vision, the more your vibration raises to the occasion. The more your vibration raises to match what you are choosing, the easier it can come to you. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work
Step 5 To A Bridge From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be: Bring What You Intend to Your Here and Now As If It Has Already Happened.
Now, let’s go to the other side. You’ve focused on how you want to feel on the side of where you want to be. Now come back to where you are. Bring that feeling you felt while doing step 4 to Step 5. Bring that feeling of where you want to be to your here and now. Yep, right where you are sitting right now.
Close your eyes and take another deep breath. With your eyes closed, look down at your heart. Be present in your body. Now be present in the moment. Notice every sound in the room, the feel of the room. Focus on YOUR body in THIS moment. Just feel you being you.
Once you feel present, centered, and in the NOW, pull in that feeling of having what you intended from Step 4. Feel that feeling of joy, strength, accomplishment, abundance, safety, confidence or relief. Bring that feeling into your body and your now.
What would it feel like if it had already happened and was already here? What would it feel like if your intention was your present life? What would it feel like if you already had more money? Feel what it would feel like to shop in a store with no concern about how you would pay for anything. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work
You Can Do This!
What would you feel like if you already weighed 50 lbs less? What would it feel like if you had already run your first half marathon? What would it feel like in THIS BODY RIGHT NOW. This is where powerful things happen. You’ve gone to your future and truly felt what the vibration and frequency of your intention would feel like.
You are now bringing that frequency to you in the present. When you bring the frequency and vibration, the physical things follow. This is YOU being the bridge from where you are to where you want to be. This is an empowering way to manifest with the Law Of Attraction. Start with something small to practice and show yourself that it really does work.
So go ahead and truly “Play” with these 5 steps and watch the incredible things you can manifest. Remember…YOU ARE THE BRIDGE!
Pixi-Pebbles To Create A Bridge From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be.
Pixi-Pebbles are songs, quotes, videos, interviews, movie references, and books that we each personally pick for you.
We’ve used these little Pixi-Pebbles to move ourselves from a feeling we’re not enjoying very much…to a feeling that helps us discover our vision of intention, awareness, and direction.
They lead us to hope, possibilities, and a fire under our butt to live life by design instead of default. In our blog Bridge From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be In 5 Big, Powerful Steps, these are the Pixi-Pebbles that came to mind.
Just a little inspiration to get you from here to there.
Two of our favorite teachers have been Oprah and Dr. Wayne Dyer. Here is a conversation between the two that we think is inspiring and a great Pixi Pebble to help you be the bridge between where you and where you want to be! Click Here to have a listen!