Table of Contents
There are a lot of theories about how to find your “person” in life. We would like to share how to journal to find the best partner for you. You might wonder how journaling could have anything to do with matchmaking. When answering these journal prompts, you will get clarity. The more you know about yourself, the more precise you can be about what you choose to find. Knowing what you intend and what you are looking for is important. But knowing yourself will make the road less curvy with less chance of getting lost.
How To Journal To Find The Best Partner For You Fact #1.
YOU FIND WHAT YOU LOOK FOR: It’s all about energy, manifestation, and intention. If you are sure everybody cheats, you are going to find one unfaithful person after another. If you believe all the good ones are gone, you will find people who are always short of what you value in a relationship. But if you value who you are, another great person will value someone just like you. Look for them, and you will send out energetic megahertz to people who match your vision.
With this in mind, it is essential that you know what you want. However, it’s also about knowing what you believe about yourself, relationships, and those with whom you might create a relationship someday. Journaling to find the best partner for you helps you be sure that you aren’t shopping at the hardware store for milk. It helps you know what you are looking for. It also helps you know when you are looking for love in all the wrong places. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work
How To Journal To Find The Best Partner For You Fact #2.
WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IS LOOKING FOR YOU: Journaling your answers to these prompts will help you understand what you are looking for and bring that into reality. So, let’s talk more about how manifesting and energy works.
When you know what you are looking for in your “person” and in your part in that relationship, the Law Of Attraction kicks in to help. Knowing how to journal about the best partner for you is all about knowing yourself. It’s not just about knowing about the person you hope to find.
Ryuu Shinohara is one of our favorite writers on the Law of Attraction. His book The Magic of Manifesting Love gives a great explanation in how to manifest your person (get your copy here). In this easy to understand book on the subject he writes “Alignment is the harmony between the heart, mind, and soul. When we’re in alignment, we’re a vibrational match to our desires.”
This journaling helps you find that kind of alignment and reminds you that what you are looking for is looking for you. So the more clear you are about who you are and what you bring to the table, the easier it is. Someone is staring at their ceiling right now, wondering if they will ever find you. Make it easy for them. The more precise you are about the relationship you are looking for, the easier it is for the person also looking for that to find you. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work
How To Journal To Find The Best Partner For You Fact #3.
LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE: This is another law of physics. If you want someone upbeat and fun, you can’t always be severe and grumpy. If you want someone kind, thoughtful, and appreciative, are you willing to be those things back? Chances are, someone with those qualities will expect them in return. In the words of Wayne Dyer, “We don’t attract what we want. We attract what we are.”
An Example:
We once knew a young woman who had a crush on a classmate in a seminar we were teaching. Her crush had done his personal work and had found his space in the world. He was a calm, wise soul that we affectionately called Baby Buddha.
She was quite the opposite. She was the proverbial “Hot Mess” who wore drama like earrings and always had a stick to stir any pot. She kept saying she either wanted Baby Buddha or a man like him. We explained to her that if she wanted calm, steady, and balanced, she was going to have to learn to be more like that. Healthy, peaceful, balanced people seek other healthy, calm, balanced people.
We are glad to report that Baby Buddha moved away to the mountains. But our friend took control of her mental and emotional health. She eventually fell in love with a man who had also done his inner work. Last we heard, they were having a lovely journey together.
How To Journal To Find The Best Partner For You Fact #4.
WE GIVE OURSELVES WHAT WE THINK WE DESERVE: If you want the best partner for you, you have to be sure you can allow yourself to have that. If you have self-esteem issues, you could be blocking what you are trying to manifest. Thoughts like, “Yeah, I know what I’m looking for, but I don’t think a person like that would want me,” will not serve your purpose. Part of your work is discovering how valuable you are and that you deserve a great person who can also see your value. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work
How To Journal To Find The Best Partner For You Fact #5.
WE TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO TREAT US: It’s essential not just to be sure about what you are looking for in a relationship but also to know where you will fit in the equation of this relationship. The more you feel good in your own company, the easier it will be for you to be yourself in someone else’s company. The more you have a love affair with yourself, the more you will have to bring to a love affair with someone else.
Those first weeks of dating aren’t just about gazing into each other’s eyes and sparks flying when you both reach for the same salt shaker. This is a time to teach each other the rules of how to treat you. It’s a time to discover each other’s firm boundaries and tender triggers. It’s a time to realize how you each show love. It’s when you learn each other’s communication style and love language.
An Example:
If you find in your journaling that sharing feelings is vital to your communication, you might have to make a safe place for someone who has never really done that. You can teach them that you are a safe place to share and express that this sharing is essential to your connection.
No one just knows this stuff, so it’s essential to see what you can learn by journaling before the relationship even starts.
How To Journal To Find The Best Partner For You Fact #6.
WE ATTRACT WHAT WE BELIEVE: In the words of Abraham Hicks, “A belief is just a thought you think all the time.” So, what are your hidden beliefs about relationships? Know that these beliefs come from relationships you witnessed (cue memories of Mom and Dad) or in relationships you’ve already had. There is a saying that “If you don’t heal your wounds, you will accidentally bleed on people who didn’t cut you.”
Do you believe in Taylor Swift’s lyrics, “Why do we bother with love if it never lasts?” When you are with someone, are you waiting for it to fall apart because…well, it always does? These are beliefs you need to know you have so you can heal them. We attract what we believe. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work
So, Let’s Get Started With These Great Journal Prompts To Find The Best Partner For You. Ready? Take Your Time And Be Honest With You. That’s The Only Person Who Will Read This Unless You Choose To Share.
You can do your journal prompts on your computer or a sheet of notebook paper. But we love these journals (get your’s here) for keeping all your self-discoveries in one place. They look and feel expensive but are so affordable and just…pretty.
- What qualities do I value in a companion?
- What will I not tolerate in a companion?
- What do I want my next relationship to feel like in our day-to-day lives? (not just the first couple of dates or while we are both trying to impress each other)
- How do I want to feel about myself in my next relationship?
- What do I bring to the party when I’m in a relationship?
- How do I want to improve my part of my next relationship?
- If I were the kind of person I want to attract, what do I need to work on about myself?
- I want a wonderful person with beautiful qualities. Am I willing to also be that in return?
- What kind of person and relationship do I believe I deserve?
- Can I permit myself to have something that wonderful? What would that look like?
- What old and limiting beliefs am I ready to heal and let go of?
- Can I permit myself to feel joyful, safe, and connected in a relationship? How will I know I’m ready to receive that?
You can do this, and you will be amazed at the results that this clarity creates. Remember, what you are looking for is looking for you. You’ve got this!
Pixi-Pebbles That Help With How To Journal To Find The Best Partner For You.
Pixi-Pebbles are songs, quotes, videos, interviews, movie references, and books that we each personally pick for you.
We’ve used these little Pixi-Pebbles to move ourselves from a feeling we’re not enjoying very much…to a feeling that helps us discover our vision of intention, awareness, and direction.
They lead us to hope, possibilities, and a fire under our butt to live life by design instead of default.
In our blog, How To Journal To Find The Best Partner, here is a Pixi-Pebble that came to mind…
Just a little inspiration to get you from here to there…
We love listening to music while journaling. Sometimes we love the nostalgia of previous decades…of any genre. Sometimes we prefer the quiet, reflective instrumental music. Here’s one of our favorites in the instrumental genre–click here to have a listen. Happy journaling!