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Our Favorite Movies About Energy And How To Love Life

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Old movie camera with popcorn illustrating the blog topic of Our Favorite Movies About Energy.

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Our favorite movies about energy and how to love life is a mash-up of themes and ideas. They are movies about inspiration, beating the odds, facing your fears, and believing in your dreams and intentions. All are happy components of your energy field.

They comprise sweet date night movies, science fiction, superhero movies, and animated cartoons. We aren’t purists. Inspiration and understanding are wherever you find them. One thing that these movies all have in common is that they have significant meaning. Sometimes, those deep meanings are hidden in plain sight but need discussion and dissection with others to flesh them out of their hiding places. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work

When you go to the movies, discussing the plot and meanings over coffee and pie (or pizza and beer) afterward is fun. You can hear other people’s insights and discuss what that strange ending meant. But what do you do when watching it from your couch on the big screen?

Woman sitting on stump looking into the woods.

Ponder And Pause.

We’ve devised a little game for watching movies at home on your TV. We call it “Ponder And Pause”. Some people think this idea is inspiring and exciting and can’t wait to watch a movie with us. Others believe it is annoying and unnecessary (like our husbands) and aren’t interested at all. So you get to do you, but it’s a great way to watch our favorite movies about energy.

You can play “Ponder And Pause” with as little as two people or a couch full of participants. All you need is your movie in the privacy of your own home and a remote where everyone can reach it.

If anyone hears anything that they aren’t sure they heard right, not sure they know what it meant, or you need to listen to that whole scene again, you pause the movie. This gives you and everyone else time to ponder. You can also use your remote privileges if you hear something that really speaks to you or makes you think about your life or your situation. You can also pause to figure out plot points, “Now who is this guy?” or “Why do they keep talking about white rabbits?”

Hand holding photo perspective ball with sunset inside of the photo perspective ball.

Perspective Is Everything.

Ponder And Pause will give you a whole new perspective on the movie because you get to see it from everyone in the room’s perspective. It’s like talking about the movie over pizza while it still plays.

You will hear yourself saying things like, “Oh… that’s what that means…I missed that!” You might also think, “Oh…I never looked at it that way. I was thinking more literally that there was a woman in a red dress” (spoiler alert from The Matrix)
So now that you know how to play “Ponder and Pause,” here are our favorite movies about energy in no particular order other than our mood on any particular day. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work

Our Favorite Movies About Energy: Dr. Strange.

This is a favorite of the Marvel franchise. It came out in 2016 and stars Benedict Cumberbatch as a talented surgeon who loses the use of his hands. He travels the world to find someone who can restore his hands and finds someone who explains the energy of his entire life and being instead.

With all its meanings about life, manifestation, energy, and the law of attraction, Dr. Strange is also hilarious with dry and intelligent humor. Because Marvel loves its 16-year-old boy audience, the first 10 minutes are kind of violent and icky. But then it gets to the good stuff.

The first time we saw Dr. Strange, we took about five pages of notes in the theatre because there were so many good one-liners about life and energy. We still play Ponder and Pause with it because we hear something new and different every time. Watch for cool lines like, “You cannot bend a river into submission; you have to surrender to its current and use its power as your own.”

Ready to Watch? Click here to purchase your copy of Dr. Strange. 

Our Favorite Movies About Energy: Star Wars (the first one from 1977).

Like most movies, Star Wars took some interesting turns as the franchise developed, but the original is about energy and how it works. This is a fun Science Fiction romp complete with lightsabers and robots, but there is so much more here.

When Obi-wan explains THE FORCE, he describes precisely how Universal Life Force Energy works. “The force is what gives a Jedi his power. It is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Ready to watch? Click here to get your copy of Star Wars.

Our Favorite Movies About Energy: Mr. Holland’s Opus.

This is a 1995 movie based on the true story of Glenn Holland. His dream is to be the composer of a grand opus. In the meantime he becomes a substitute music teacher in a high school. As this job becomes permanent, he accidentally creates his “real” opus.

Richard Dreyfuss was nominated for an Academy Award in this movie, which shows how the power of intention can often work while we are paying attention to other things. There is also a fantastic soundtrack with a powerful message to accompany this entertaining movie.

Ready to Watch? Click here to get your copy of Mr. Holland’s Opus.

Our Favorite Movies About Energy: What The Bleep Do We Know?

This is often one of the first energy movies on many people’s radar. This 2004 docu-movie tells the story of a young woman having a tough life. We see what happens in the quantum world around her as her consciousness and belief system expand.

This independent film starring Marlee Matlin was rarely seen in cinemas. Someone would get a private copy and share it in the living room with friends. It’s a great movie to play Ponder and Pause.  8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work

Ready to watch? Click here to purchase your copy of What The Bleep Do We Know.

Our Favorite Movies About Energy: The Secret.

Following “What The Bleep Do We Know” came The Secret in 2006. Rhonda Byrne has written many beautiful books, like “The Magic,” but this book, later made into a movie, got people to Ponder and Pause about the Law of Attraction.
This is another movie that didn’t make it very far into public cinemas.

Friends viewed it in living rooms with potlucks and notebooks. Movie watchers shared what they thought the law of attraction was and how it worked. The Law of Attraction is now a common topic regarding energy. However, the mainstream interest started with this well-done documentary by many of the thought leaders of the time.

Ready to watch? Click here to get your copy of The Secret.

Our Favorite Movies About Energy: The Shift.

Let’s go three for three with this movie, finishing the energy explanation trifecta of the early 2000s. This docu-movie, with our fairy Godfather, Dr. Wayne Dyer, playing himself, came out in 2009. It follows several people dealing with various things in a healing center in California.

Wayne plays the part of a man who understands what is happening with everyone and clarifies the energy of the place and the situation. It’s one of our favorite movies about energy and a way to visit our deceased friend. This was one of Wayne Dyer’s favorite works of his career and speaks of the incredible power of intention.

Ready to watch? Click here to get your copy of The Shift.

Our Favorite Movies About Energy: The Matrix (again, the first one from 1999).

This is one of those movies that will need a couple of viewings to get it all. Keanu Reeves brings Neo to life. If you ask anyone what The Matrix is about, you will get as many different answers. However, the essence that inspired the movie was Max Planck’s consensus (it won him a Nobel prize and the title of the father of quantum theory) that an invisible energy connects everyone and everything.

There are entire organized groups that Ponder and Pause with this one. They watch for the Easter eggs and clues for humanity that they claim hide within it. It’s science fiction at its best and a hodge podge of odd realities, but it’s worth giving it a shot. When you get it…you get it. Until then, you will think…”That was weird,” but many things about physics and energy seem funny on the first pass. 8 Tried and True Manifestation Techniques That Work

Ready to watch? Click here to get your copy of The Matrix.

Our Favorite Movies About Energy: Frozen 2.

We rarely go straight to the sequel, but when it comes to our favorite movies about energy, we just have to. The original Frozen is a lovely and sweet movie (especially if you saw it in 3D at Christmas time, and it looked like it was snowing in your lap). But when it comes to energy, Frozen 2 speaks volumes.

This movie speaks of energy in lots of forms, like the energy of your thoughts and the memory of water (which is cutting-edge information). It also speaks of our energetic calling and knowing that we only need to do the next right thing in hard times to find our way out of any chaos. Just like the original, it shares inspiration for being our true selves and the energetic power that gives all of us.

Ready to watch? Click here to get your copy of Frozen 2.

Our Favorite Movies About Energy: Tangled.

This 2010 movie about energy is one of Disney’s best-animated creations based on the story of Rapunzel (you know, the” Repunzel-Rapunzel let down your hair” story). It is very pretty cinematically, and the music is lovely, with the voices of Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi.

This version is a little different and speaks to that energetic feeling that tells you who you really are and where you belong. It speaks volumes to intention and the law of attraction.

Ready to watch? Click here to get your copy of Tangled.

Our Favorite Movies About Energy: The Adjustment Bureau.

Matt Damon and Emily Blunt bring this unusual romantic science fiction flick together. What if a group of angels…guides…odd guys in 1950s hats were in control of the details of our lives? This movie makes you consider how many little details create big things in your life.
Most of us can think of something important in our world that, had one small thing been different…it wouldn’t have happened. So, who’s in charge of those little details? The power of intention and law of attraction or the temp of fate?

Ready to watch? Click here to get your copy of The Adjustment Bureau.

Our Favorite Movies About Energy: Captain Marvel.

This 2019 film is another Marvel superhero movie with a girl power twist. Brie Larson is Captain Marvel, but she has no idea she is such a powerful and wise individual. This movie speaks so much to us, who sometimes struggle with owning our own power. It reminds us that playing small will never serve us as we hope it will.

Like Dr. Strange, this is a movie you can take lots of notes on because there are so many one-liners to put on the bathroom mirror, like, “I’ve been fighting with one hand behind my back. What are you going to do when I’m finally set free?”

Ready to watch? Click here to get your copy of Captain Marvel.

Man watching a movie projected onto wall from an old movie projector.

Movies To Pause And Ponder.

We recommend everyone have a ready list of movies when they need to laugh, cry, have mindless fun, or have meaning. Our favorite movies about energy have significant meanings about what it’s like to be alive and maybe even what it’s like to be…you.

Enchanted Perspectives Pixi Pebble Banner image.

Pixi-Pebbles For Our Favorite Movies About Energy.

Pixi-Pebbles are songs, quotes, videos, interviews, movie references, and books that we each personally pick for you.

We’ve used these little Pixi-Pebbles to move ourselves from a feeling we’re not enjoying very much…to a feeling that helps us discover our vision of intention, awareness, and direction.

They lead us to hope, possibilities, and a fire under our butt to live life by design instead of default.

In our blog, Our Favorite Movies About Energy And How To Love Life, here is a Pixi-Pebble that came to mind…

Just a little inspiration to get you from here to there…

Since Frozen 2 is one of our favorite movies about energy, what better Pixi Pebble for this blog than one of our favorite songs from Frozen 2? Click here to check out Show Yourself from the Frozen 2 soundtrack.

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Meet Nikki:

Nikki has a way of making almost anything meaningful, interesting, and fun. She loves cats, believes you can learn a lot about yourself by shooting hoops in the park, and has a mad love affair with trees. As a Certified Neuro-linguistic Programming Practitioner, Intentional Living Mentor, Reiki Master, and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, she understands how to help others create change and has a talent for making you enjoy doing it.

Enchanted perspectives creator Nikki and Jennifer sitting against tree

Meet Jennifer:

Jennifer is a woman who definitely lives life by design. As an Artist, Certified Holistic Life Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Studies Mentor, and Certified EFT Practitioner, she helps others find their unique, magical, and authentic selves. She loves art, music, nature, travel and believes everyone can dance. Jennifer is a compassionate teacher that enjoys inspiring others to find their own creativity, intuition, and passion for life.
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