Table of Contents
We created these journal prompts for couples because so many people think they have a bad relationship. In truth, they only have bad communication. Counselors will tell you they often work with couples who are personally healthy and solid but struggle to connect. These relationships are free of anyone beating, cheating, or being addicted. They usually have good intentions, maybe even big love. They just don’t know how to talk to each other.
Sometimes, we feel like we know how to express ourselves to our friends or coworkers. However, we just get stuck when it comes to the person in our committed relationship. We either don’t know how we feel, or we know how we feel but just don’t know how to make our words work right. 7 Ways to Discover the Real You With Enchanted Perspectives
So, How Do You Make Your Words Work Right?
What if it’s not a lack of words but a lack of courage? Sometimes, the words are there, but expressing them feels so vulnerable and awkward that it’s easier to stay quiet. We created these journal prompts for couples to encourage you both to share those words that have gotten stuck.
There are times when we can’t share what’s on our minds or in our hearts with others because we haven’t shared it with ourselves. We haven’t sorted out our own puzzle pieces yet. Because of that, sharing our thoughts and feelings on the fly when we haven’t vetted or edited them is too scary.
It doesn’t matter if you are celebrating your 20th anniversary or have only started getting serious. These are good questions, and the answers will make a difference in your connection and communication. They are a great start to making your words work right.
Here’s Your Instructions.
1.) These Journal Prompts For Couples Only Works If Both Parties Agree To Do It. It’s okay if you suggest it, encourage it, or ask your partner to do it for you as a favor. But you can’t manipulate or demand. You will not like the resistance you will receive. That can cause hurt feelings, which is not what we are going for.
2.) It’s Usually Best To Dedicate A Particular Amount Of Time And Place To The Journaling Prompts For Couples. It doesn’t usually work out well to just hand the prompts to your beloved and say, “When you get a chance, look at this.” You have just set them up for failure. If they don’t do it in as timely a manner as you think they should, you may wind up in an argument. Again, this is not what we’re going for. You can decide together whether to use all the journal prompts or just one or two.
More Instructions.
3.) Separate, Private, But Together. This is a “couples” project that you will do together. However, it’s best to answer them separately and privately. Each of you gets your own space and privacy to give your most YOU answer. Maybe that can be done with each of you on separate ends of the couch. However, you might have to go to a separate place in the house or a different spot on the beach.
4.)Write It Like You Are Not Going To Share It. When we know that what we write HAS to be shared, it changes what we write. For this reason, “Dance Like Nobody’s Watching.” Write like you are the only person ever to read this. Be honest, be genuine, and be YOU.
And More Instructions.
5.) Do I Really Mean That? Once you finish writing, read it. Is what you wrote really how you feel? Then ask yourself, “Is how I’ve been seeing this really true for me.” If it’s not, change it. We are only talking about a waste of paper and ink or computer strokes. If any of what you wrote doesn’t feel accurate. Change it.
6.) After All Of This Effort, Now Ask For Permission To Share Or Invite Your Partner To Share. We all like to feel like we have a choice about…everything. So even if you have been together forever, be polite, genuine, and gentle with each other. Primarily, be curious and with a mindset that is as interested in understanding as it is in being understood and heard.
7.) Take One Question At A Time, With Each Of You Taking A Turn To Share Your Journaling.
Together, decide how many of these prompts to do at a time. However it is essential that you both get to share your answers to each question. So that means first, one answers #1, and then the other answers #1. Do this rather than you answering the whole page and then your partner answering the whole page. The point is conversation on each prompt, not getting through the list.
Be Gentle-Be Kind.
8.) Don’t Interrupt, Challenge Or Question. If something comes up as you listen to your partner, write it down to be discussed after both of you have had a turn. Then, you can decide whether to discuss the topic now or go on to the following prompt.
9.)If Working on These Journal Prompts For Couples Encourages You To Go Deeper And Wider On A Topic, Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Some Help. If you and your partner think you would benefit from marriage counseling, there are so many avenues to choose from. However, for many topics, there are great marriage coaches and even interesting marriage retreats available. If you want to do more with these prompts, it’s absolutely cool to ask for some extra help. 7 Ways to Discover the Real You With Enchanted Perspectives
So Ready…Here We Go!
Note: Obviously, you can use notebook paper and a Papermate to do these journal prompts for couples. But we also like journals. Like real journals. What if you each had your own little space to share these prompts? We love these artistic and heartfelt books. You might even be able to convince someone to do these journal prompts for couples with you if they know they get one of these-click here to get yours.
Journal Prompts For Couples #1 I am most grateful for _________________________about you
Journal Prompts For Couples #2 What I love most about us is ____________________________
Journal Prompts For Couples #3 One of my favorite memories of us is __________________________
Journal Prompts For Couples #4 The place/adventure that will always make me think of us is _______________
Journal Prompts For Couples #5: If you weren’t here with me, I would most miss ___________ you
Journal Prompts For Couples #6 The thing I don’t know if you understand about me is______________
Journal Prompts For Couples #7 The thing I think that you can sometimes misunderstand about me is___________________
Journal Prompts For Couples #8 The thing that is hard for me that I still try to do anyway is_____________
Journal Prompts For Couples #9 When it comes to life, the thing I am most afraid of is ______________________
Journal Prompts For Couples #10 When it comes to us, the thing that I am most afraid of is ________________
Journal Prompts For Couples #11 The thing I’m never sure how to say is ___________
Journal Prompts For Couples #12 The thing I never say enough is _________
Journal Prompts For Couples #13 The one thing I wish I could do better is____________
Journal Prompts For Couples #14 The one thing I wish YOU could do better is _________________
Journal Prompts For Couples #15 The one thing I wish we could do better together is___________________
Journal Prompts For Couples #16 The thing that I know I can count on about you because it’s just who you are is ____________________
Journal Prompts For Couples #17 The thing I hope comes next for us is ___________________
Journal Prompts For Couples #18 The biggest dream I have for us is_______________________
Journal Prompts For Couples #19 The thing I’m most proud of us for is
Journal Prompts For Couples #20 My Top 5 Reasons For Loving You Are __________
Pixi-Pebbles That Help Couples Using Journal Prompts To Improve Communication.
Pixi-Pebbles are songs, quotes, videos, interviews, movie references, and books that we each personally pick for you.
We’ve used these little Pixi-Pebbles to move ourselves from a feeling we’re not enjoying very much…to a feeling that helps us discover our vision of intention, awareness, and direction.
They lead us to hope, possibilities, and a fire under our butt to live life by design instead of default.
In our blog, Journal Prompts For Couples Using Journal Prompts To Improve Communication, here is a Pixi-Pebble that came to mind…
Just a little inspiration to get you from here to there…
We love the work of the Gottman’s. Today’s Pixi Pebble is an app created by them to help couples have meaningful conversations about all kinds of topics relating to relationships. The app is free-click here to check it out.